Monthly Archives: April 2014

Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary

The Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary is a favorite of mine with over 12 miles of hiking trails and a large variety of bird species.  I have been here many times and there are still trails I have not yet walked.  There are trails that are very easy terrain and others that are more moderate.  I have yet to run across a trail that is difficult.

Today was my first visit this season to the sanctuary.  The word sanctuary is good way to describe this place.  I find it very relaxing to go here and walk around and observe the birds and other wildlife.  While walking the trail today, I saw black capped chickadees, white breasted nuthatches, tufted titmice, red bellied woodpeckers, northern cardinals, and mallard ducks.
Nuthatch_IpswichTitmouse_Ipswich Chickadee_Ipswich